Monday, November 9, 2009

Lancaster-Golden State Nationals

2 weeks after the Redline Cup finals were the ABA Golden State Nationals in Lancaster CA. Last year this national was a mess. We were hit with every type of weather, cold, wind, rain, and heat. Definitely went to this one hoping for the total opposite of the previous year and hoping for the track to be shorter than I had remembered it LOL

I took the twenty and headed down in hopes of getting a couple solid scores to put me solid in the NAG 5 challenge at Grands. Mission accomplished, sort of. I was putting together solid laps, well okay technically solid first two straights and then would just fall apart in the rhythm section every single lap. This is a long track and the fact that i was wasting all of my energy losing speed wasn't helping. Put me down for two 2nds. Going into grands (if I get there) I have myself ties on twenty for NAG 3 and sitting NAG 3 on cruiser. Let's hope I get there and get it done.

Redline Cup West Finals-Atwater, CA

I know this race was awhile ago, but I haven't been able to get online to update my excuse I know!! Anyway I decided to give the new format of the Redline cup a go. It was located about an hour from home, so why no right? So I headed to atwater for the finals-ended up with 3 other gals. Ironically we were all 4 from different classes so by the new rules we all were automatically champions. Doesn't seem like I earned like I would have had to other years, but I went I raced I got a 3rd and a 2nd and I got my first "redline cup" one plate HA HA only took about 20 years. I rode alright, could have been better. But each race is about learing and improving.