Friday, September 11, 2009


Rolled into Reno Friday around 1pm...Was feeling the psych of being back at a national. It had been 4 months since the last one and well that one sure didn't go well as I was injured! Was anxious to get over and take a look at the track and see if they had changed things up for once...they did. Typical layout, some of the usual jumps, but there were a few surprises. Mainly on the 2nd straight the lip to step double *or at least that's how i would explain it* looked to be causing problems for many.

Hit up my practice on my twenty took one lap and had to quit. My bars moved, seat messed up, and was not about to ride like that. Took it back grabbed the cruiser and got back in line. Was having a little bit of an issue with the gate, my timing was off, but quickly figured it out and got back to a solid practice. Headed back to the hotel, dinner, and then some people watching at the trusty corner bar. Those who have been to Reno know that this is the spot at the Grand Sierra to see pretty much anything. Headed off to bed to try and get some sleep, no luck. Got about 4 hours of sleep before it was time to go hit up practice.

Day 2...Practice was going alright on twenty but realized there was a small chance that after first round there would be a few modifications done to the bike. Cruiser practice went well, was getting good gates and down the first straight better. Motos were posted, total points on twenty and 5 riders on cruiser. Got combined with the younger class-no hope of that win I wanted. First round on twenty went horrible...gear was too easy, bike felt too big, and just had nothing. Cruiser went just as badly. Did a gear change and bought a smaller stem for the twenty, got 2nd in the next round and finished the day with the 2nd overall. Cruiser I wond 2nd round and then had a photo finish at the line that went my way and ended up with another 2nd. Still not sure how I pulled that off as I had nothing left down the last straight and just felt pretty garbage. Early night.....

Day 3...Woke up feeling like I was completely drained, no energy, and just all around not feeling well. Was trying every thing I could to wake up, gain energey, and pray I could make it around the track 6 times again. Twenty went well I went 2,2,2...Tried to conserve for my cruiser race as I knew I'd be in for a battle for 2nd again. Behind the gate I was feeling stomach pain and lil dizziness but tried to focus on whatever song was playing on the ipod at the time. Gate drops I'm in 2nd pretty much till the last turn then I get passed and try with every ounce of energy to get her back but couldn't. I don't really recall passing the finish line though.

Came off and collapsed. Something was not right. My heart was racing, I couldn't see, I was dizzy, nauseous and all around feeling like I was about to fully pass out. My arms and legs were shaking and I began to panic on top of everything. The paramedics run over and begin to check me over...Next thing you know I'm sitting at the finish line with oxygen, a heart rate & blood pressure through the rough and being told I needed to be moved to check me over more in depth and possibly call an ambulance. Once inside their van I was having vitals checked over every 5 min, on oxygen, told I was feverish and that the ambulance was on the way. I spent the entire mains in the ambulance on oxygen, ekg maching, heart monitor, getting blood sugar checked, etc. In the end they established that I was severly dehydrated. On the way out my heart rate was still at 125-130, which is were my heart should be while exercising not sitting there. Pretty scary experience.

Reno turned out better than I coulda hoped with all the time I've had off the bike. Used this past week to recover and just get the must neeed rest. Tomorrow I go back to the grind and get ready for the Chula Vista national at the Olympic Training Center. This will be rough, longer track, more technical, and the possibility of not even having my own class. I'm up for it though. Finally moved back into NAG 5 challenge territory on the twenty and want to hold onto that no matter what!! Two weeks following Chula Vista will be the Redline Cup West in Atwater, CA and two weeks later the nationals in Lancaster, CA.

Time to start getting serious. Grands will be here before I know it and I really want to go win. It's going to take a miracle, hard work, and me being committed. And that's just to get there!!!

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