So the last 24 hours has been a rather interesting one here in Northern California. We have been having some of the nicest weather, the warmth had finally arrived. That all came to an upbrupt end yesterday as we were rocked with lightening, thunder, and a down pour. Today we have some overcast and cooler temps. The weather says we will be back on track after a few days of possible sprinkles and such.
A little healing/training update. I've been trying to get back into the swing of training to get some strength before I go hit up a track...It's not going so well. Though my shoulder is still weak it has not been my biggest issue. Both of my knees have felt like I have large needles, accompanied by shooting pains, sticking through the center. I figured it was just because I hadn't been doing anything for the last month, but after about 5 different training sessions my knees have not improved. I had attempted a couple runs, some plyometrics and stretching...nothing is making it any less painful. I'm not sure if this is just one injury that will require far more healing time or if I'm just destined for pain from now on. I've yet to touch my bike still though, wonder if there is even air in my tires still???
I'm hoping to get in another workout today and possibly some spints. I'm heading back to the bay again this weekend. I've been there pretty much every weekend since I've been hurt. I'm very anxious to get back on the bike since rosevlle is so damn close....I'm worried that I will be so far out of shape that I will have a bad weekend of racing. I'm going to try to stay on track for the next month, let's just hope that my body has the same idea.
Updates after the weekend....
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